REFLECTIONS of Lilian Greulichor what is coming into my mind when painting.

PAINTING, what does it mean for me?   (2014-11-24)

In first place it is the feeling of happiness, the positive "food" for my soul.
My great passion. I am feeling that this positive energy is beginning to fill me, when in the morning - as first thing - I am roaming through my studio and contemplating again and
again the pictures which I have painted with joy. When I am beginning to paint a picture, I never know how it will look like, when it will be finished. After a few minutes of painting and
the pleasure I am feeling for it, it seems like the brush would take its own way.
Again and again I am looking at the harmony of colours when painting and I am forgetting
time and everything else around myself.

It is my explicite desire to create works which could convey to the spectators this
positive feeling of awareness of life and this positive energy. Just to look at a picture intensely and to enjoy it, to feel afresh the positive sensation in it again and again.


Three photos in the studio:

Meine Genres auf einen Blick

  • Landschaftsmalerei
  • Portrait und Menschenbild
  • Tiermotive
  • Dekorative Ensembles
  • Collagen

